Men’s Hats by Miller

Men's Hats by Miller

Men’s Felt and Straw Hat Categories

Mens Cavalry Hats

Cavalry Hats

Largest selection of genuine felt cavalry hats

Mens Cowboy Hats

Cowboy Hats

Men’s cowboy hats in felt and straw

Mens Miitary Hats

Military Hats

Campaign, Re-enactment Civil War hats & more

Mens Fedora Hats

Fedora Hat

Genuine Fur felt fedora hats in a variety of colors

Mens Straw Hats

Straw Hats

Great selection of Milan & Panama hats

Mens Movie Hats

Movie Hats

Classic hats from popular movies

Men's Caps

Men’s Caps

Variety of flat caps in wool, linen, cashmere and leather.
Men's Uniform Hats

Uniform Hats

Felt and Straw hats for law enforcement, military and retirees.

Best Selling Hat Styles

World famous for Men’s quality Felt and Straw Hats

Miller Hats is the original men’s hat store to sell hats online, started in 1995. Miller Hats has the largest selection of felt fedora hats, straw dress hats, cowboy hats, military hats, and men’s caps. Some of our popular styles include old west hats, movie hats, Indiana Jones hats, cavalry hats, re-enactment civil war hats, Panama hats and more.

Our hat styles are custom made by our experienced hatters and come in a variety of materials such as fur felt, straw hats, Panama, wool hats, and others. Miller Hats thrives to sell only those hats that meet our superior quality standards. Our company examines every hat carefully before it’s sold or shipped to a customer. Our experts evaluate the materials, the trims, the sweatbands, the outside accessories, and shapes to provide the customer with the best hat or cap on the market. Miller Hats’ goal is to provide the customer with a unique look, a durable hat, a great fit, and a wonderful hat experience. Our motto explains our vision.

Miller hats history goes back to 1995, when Mr. Miller bought the store from Wormser hats after working for them for 15 years. Wormser hats were around since 1894 and they were primarily known for their exceptional men’s fedora hats in felt and straw. Wormser hats was committed to providing customers with high-quality hats and unsurpassed service. Miller Hats adopted the same principle of exceptional customer service and has been servicing hat customers for over 25 years. The company is family-owned and it operates in the Houston area. If you are in the Houston area visit our hat specialists at 13559 Bammel N. Houston Rd. Unit G, Houston, Texas 77066.

After being in business for over 25 years we have learned how important hats are for our customers. They have taught us that a hat is much more than a piece of clothing; it is a fashion accessory that can mark personality, social status, and lifestyle. The hat plays a very important role in the men’s wardrobe; it instantly sets you apart. It adds elegance and uniqueness to your Style. A dress hat, a cowboy hat, or a men’s flat cap is the most noticeable fashion item anyone can wear. There is an old saying “if you want to get ahead and get noticed, then get a hat”. Without a doubt, a hat that fits you comfortably will always help people remember you.